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Apply your child to a pre-Kindergarten program at a participating DOE school.

Please submit one application for each child.

Illustration of Nene family

Application Process

Here's what you can expect when applying.

1. Review checklist and requirements

Download PDF

2. Submit an application
One application per child.

Apply now

3. Schools review* all applications

*Reviews occur at the end of the school year and during the summer.

4. Application status updates

Check status

EOEL Mission

To foster each child’s optimal growth and learning in all developmental domains and across academic disciplines through high-quality early childhood experiences by providing a safe, caring, equitable environment where children, families, and colleagues learn together through trusting reciprocal relationships.

Photo credit: Image from Adobe Stock images.

Common Questions

Children must be age 3 or 4 on or before July 31 of the school year applying to. For school year 20252026, children born on or between August 1, 2020 – July 31, 2022 are eligible.

In addition to the age requirement, priority is provided to children whose situations include, but are not limited to, one or more of the following:

  • Children who are eligible for special education services under the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) and whose Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) is determined as general education;
  • Children who are English as a second language learners;
  • Children in foster care;
  • Children who are experiencing homelessness or unstable housing;
  • Families with Gross Family Income at or below 300% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines OR who receive Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and/or Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP);
  • Children who are experiencing at-risk situations which may impact their learning and development.

Yes, submit one online application per child. For each application, you may select up to 3 schools when applying.

For a complete list of participating schools, read more on the EOEL Public PreKindergarten Program website.

Applications open on March 3 for the upcoming school year.

For the upcoming school year:

Between March 3 - July 1, prioritized enrollment will be offered to children in priority categories with consideration for their home school geographic region, on a first come first serve basis.

After July 1, enrollment will be opened to families who do not fall within a priority category as space is available, on a first come first serve basis.

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